Eseosa walked on light feet through the dark passageway. Cloaked in shadow, she crept
past an armour clad guard into the East wing of the palace.
Chike had said that the Oba kept a squad of shadow killers, it was a bridge she would
cross when she reached it. You could say she was a little reckless, you would not be wrong. Without another thought, Eseosa continued on.
She was at the Oba’s palace, never in her wildest imaginings had she thought that she would ever see this place, let alone walk its halls.
Her, a street urchin, the only one trusted to successfully steal the coveted lunar corals of the Ashiri kingdom. She would not fail.
Pulling more shadow to herself, Eseosa moved unwavering toward her price. She was close, even without the map she'd been forced to memorise, she could feel it.
This job would be difficult even for the most experienced thief but for a shadow like her, it was like a piece of akara. 
Chike had told her to curb the confidence, she didn’t think she needed to.
Nothing wrong with a little cockiness abeg.
Like a phantom, she owned the night. If the guards looked well enough, all they would see
was a flicker in the shadows and she knew that could be explained away by the large shadows cast by the flames of the sconces lining the hallway. She also knew that the guards would not look. It was nothing against them honestly; no one ever looked deep in the shadows, the fools thought there was nothing to see, the wise were afraid of what would look back. She had noticed a pattern, behind a door stood a guard and beside the guard was a wall with a flaming sconce, then another guarded door and another wall with a sconce, on and on it went.
Quickening her steps, Eseosa walked to the end of the hallway and up a flight of stairs.
According to the map, the stairs led to the floor that held the chamber of jewels.
From the landing, Eseosa assessed the space and thought it looked ordinary, containing nothing to show that the chamber of jewels was on this floor. 
Good safety precaution, but boring, no trace of the Ashiri kingdom's famous opulence.
Eseosa looked from one end of the passage to the other as she moved, although no one was there, the place made the hairs on her neck stand, like she was being watched. As she moved, Eseosa glanced up and stopped on her tracks, blinking wide eyed at the ceiling and finally broke into a grin, all fear of invisible eyes watching her gone.
The ceiling was solid gold.
"Now that's what I'm talking about," she said as she marvelled at the obscenity of the whole thing. This was wealth, not those stingy, money miss road, and fake rich people back in Ife.
Eseosa paused as she noticed the metallic ornamental birds on both ends of the ceiling. They were very basic add-ons and nothing like the extravagant ornaments and decorations she had seen since stepping foot in the Oba’s palace; but
Who knew what went through the minds of royalty, those plain looking birds probably cost more than any wrapper, beads or trinket she would ever own.
Probably more than a slaver could make from selling me even, she thought with a dry chuckle, shaking her head as she continued down the passage, finally dismissing the birds and ceiling.
She stopped again; suddenly realising what had disturbed her about this floor.
There is no guard here.
Eseosa felt a shiver down her spine at the thought, she had expected this floor to be the most protected, and it freaked her out that it was not the case.
Or was it?
There had to be someone or thing guarding this place, one of her kind or very strong juju traps awaited her.
On her guard, Eseosa walked cautiously to the chamber of jewels, eyes bulging as she stood before the solid gold doors.
Ah these people are really ostentatious o, she'd thought they were taking precaution, boy was she wrong!
She stood before the Chamber of Jewels, her gods’ damned price!
Blinking away the wonder, Eseosa tried to focus on the job.
She had to get those corals, they were her way into the association proper. She was tired of being a foot soldier, out in the streets picking pockets for a meagre sum, ears on the ground for useless information. She wanted in with Chike’s people, it would take her several steps closer to the king of beggars, the big boss of their association.
 The Oba’s corals would give her the way in that she so desperately needed.
Eseosa reached to her sides, feeling a calm come over her as she squeezed the hilts of her daggers three times. It was a silly ritual but one she could never for go. Her daggers always made her feel safe, they were all she had of her mother, weapons against a world that sought to turn her into a weapon. She had named them Esan, which meant vengeance and Ijere, which meant retribution and they stayed true to their names, exerting vengeance and retribution on all who crossed her. Her daggers never let her down.
They will not begin now.
The feeling of being watched returned and Eseosa stole a quick glance back, seeing nothing unusual, she turned back to the golden doors.
“Eyes on the price Sosa,” she whispered.
This was a snatch and grab, you breeze in and breeze out, easy peasy, nothing fancy. That was what Chike had said. Besides, it was not like anyone could see her.
A shadow killer would see you, the dark and sinister voice in her head droned.
“Shut up!” She muttered, she would not let her mind cast any doubts on her ability to see this job through.
Letting out the breath she was holding, Eseosa braced herself as she took out a door knob from the pouch on her waist. It was the first tool required to open the chamber, made by one of the association’s lock masters.  At least that was what Chike had told her, she had never met a locksmith, no way someone like her would be allowed into the lock masters’ lair.
That was about to change, she thought darkly, desperate hope bubbling in her chest.
Reaching into the pocket sewn inside her wrapper, she pulled out a glass vial that contained a thick dark liquid. It was the lock master’s blood, the other tool. Coupled with the knob, it would let her into the chamber.
Pulling off the vial's stopper with her teeth, she poured the blood over the knob, getting some of it on her gloves. “Ye!” She groaned, another pair of gloves gone. She was sure she held a record at this point.
“Ridiculous,” she muttered holding the knob to the door. The door seemed to pull at the knob, like one piece of magnet trying to join with another. It pulled till the knob was taut, becoming painful to hold. Eseosa let go and the knob shot at the door, buzzing as it latched on. It turned, pace increasing as it went on till it whirred, rotating with such speed that she felt dizzy watching it go, certain that the knob would fly off at any moment when it suddenly stopped. She heard a click and looked on as the door opened before her eyes.
It worked.
Eseosa looked through the crack as all of the tension in her shoulders dissolved. She had known that it would work in theory but seeing it actually work was different.
Eyes bulging, she stepped into the room with reverence; the kind of reverence one
bestowed only on things of great beauty. The room was unlike anything she had ever seen; the corals stared at her from a beautiful case made out of intricately cut wood with some kind of transparent covering that enhanced luminance. Covering every surface of the room were jewels of every colour imaginable, she had never seen such wealth and beauty on display. It felt almost vulgar.
The thought of the rich living like this, hoarding their riches and taxing the poor mercilessly
for more made her skin crawl.
People like her were even lower on the food chain, she was a cursed one, less than human in their sights.
Well, it seemed the day of reckoning for the royalty of the Ashiri kingdom. Eyes only for the corals, she walked purposely toward them, reaching for the covering only to come away with a sticky sap-like substance coating her fingers. It had no odour and deciding that it was harmless, she grabbed the corals, dropping them into the pouch sewn into the wrapper on her chest. 
Patting the jewel, Eseosa made her way out, not sparing even a glance at the gems in her way. She had all she needed, anything else was useless to her.
This coral was her tool. Being a cursed one, it was either be a slave of the wealthy or live in the fringes of society, wild and desperate. 
The Association was a chance at a different life, she would grab at it. She would prove herself to the king of beggars if it was the last thing she did.
Shutting the door, she placed the knob back on and turned it counter clockwise till it fell into her palms. Putting it back in its place on her waist, she turned around.
That had been too easy, she thought, staying on guard as she moved through the hallway.
She felt her heart stop as she looked up at the ceiling. The tiny metallic birds were no longer there.
“Someone is here,” she whispered.
Uneasy, she stayed alert as she moved briskly to the end of the hall and down the stairs. Taking the steps three at a time, she rushed through, pulling more shadow to herself as she went till she came to a sudden stop on the second flight of stairs, a dark obstacle in her way.
It was a male clad in black perching on the rail, the metal birds lodged on his shoulders.
“You think to hide in the shadows eh, small girl?” He said, looking at her instead of through her, as if her shadows had become impotent before him.
Eseosa felt a chill run through her at his words, he was not a shadow killer, he was something else entirely and this something else was assessing her like a predator set to lunge.
“So you can see me, interesting.”
Without another word, the dark figure attacked, fist going straight for her throat. Eseosa jumped back, retreating up the stairs to the jewel floor as quickly as she had left it. She did not want to alert the guards below to their little spar.
Maybe another time.
Her new friend advanced relentlessly, not giving her anytime to consider her defence. She
dodged one swing, then another, moving past a statue of the Goddess Oya, she had missed it earlier. Almost losing her footing, Eseosa was too focused on finding balance, she moved too late and the third swing connected, hitting her right on the chest.
Too close to the corals.
Reeling from the pain on the spot his blow had connected, Eseosa concluded that needed to end this fight before he alerted anyone and ruined everything. She realized in that moment that she could not be certain that he hadn’t alerted anyone. This could be a trap, his men could be waiting to capture her.
Or maybe he so confident that he can handle me all by himself. I hope he is.
She didn’t have time to consider this as she barely dodged another blow, tripping and falling
over the statue of the goddess.
Get it together Sosa.
Jumping back to her feet, she pulled out Esan and Ijere. They glittered in the darkness of the stairway just like the gold ceiling and door.
“Since you can see me, I hope you see them,” she said, lunging at him.
“Knife to a fist fight, what a primitive little lady,” he said in a mocking tone, side stepping the
attack as he turned to face her.
Ignoring his taunting, Eseosa glanced at his shoulder, the birds had not moved but she noticed
that their mechanical eyes watched her every move.
Had they been watching her all this time? The little eyes glowed red.
“I don’t care for a fair fight, I have nothing to prove to you” she said, dodging right under him
and slicing at his chest. He jumped back, clearly not quick enough if the blood dripping from
his arm was any indication.
He only had his shokoto on, he was so dark that she had mistaken his bare skin for clothing.
What madman fights completely bare chested?
“Let’s end this,” she said with a grunt, rushing at the madman. He swung at her, fist connecting
with her face.
Ignoring the pain, Eseosa kept moving, making a feint with her right, she drove Ijere forward, slicing the dagger through the eyes of the birds on his shoulder, she broke them.
Shock covered his face as he advanced with three blows and kicks in her direction. Dodging only the last blow and kick, Eseosa flipped and landed softly to the mad man’s left, watching him as he continued to kick blindly at the spot she had just vacated. Her gambled had paid, the little birds had been his eyes through her shadow. They must have had lenses made with a crystal that breached the shadows. She had never seen one of those herself, didn’t even know the name but she had heard the horror stories. They were infamous, hard to come by.
What a little cheat, she thought.
Moving soundlessly toward the madman, Eseosa hit him hard on the head with the hilt of Esan and heard a soft thud as he crumbled softly to the ground.
Breathing a relieved sigh, Eseosa made her way quickly down the stairs, deepening her shadow as she moved past the hall with guards.
They looked straight on, unaware of the tussle that had just concluded upstairs.
He had truly alerted no one.
Overconfident prick.
Encountering no further problems, Eseosa safely made her way out of the palace.
The mad man was lucky he would only feel the most dreadful headache of his life from the knot she’d left.
He was her enemy, a cursed one like her who instead of helping his people, allowed himself to be used, the oppressor’s plaything.
She spat in disgust.
“He won’t be so lucky next time,” she was certain.
Blending into the night, a slightly battered Eseosa, grinned in satisfaction.
Her life was about to change.
This kingdom had not heard the last of her, she would bring it to its knees, she would avenge her mother.

Image: source: Getty images.


